Working Titles
a (ausgeprägt) - Pronounced. Used by the judge in describing a dog’s courage and "hardness (see TSB).
AD (ausauerprüfung) - Endurance title for dogs from 16 months to 6 years of age (includes a 20 km run & simple obedience test).
AZG (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Zuchtveriene und Gebrauchshundeverbände) - Association of breed registry and working-dog sport clubs — The AZG has the purpose of administrating uniform international schutzhund rules via the FCI, to assure inter-club and international conformity, making it possible to hold identical or similar international trial competitions in many countries.
BH (Begleithundprüfung) - Companion Dog - the preliminary and prerequisite test for a dog going on to get his/her Schutzhund titles. A combination temperament and obedience test.
BSP (Bundes SiegerPrüfung) - trial at the national level.
IPO (International Prüfungsordnung) - International working tests. Classes I, II, III, similar to Schutzhund.
ng (nicht genügend) - insufficient. Used by the judge in describing a dog’s courage and "hardness".
SchH (Schutzhund) - Protection Dog. A title incorporating tracking, obedience, and protection of three classes.
TSB (Triebveranlagung) - fighting drive.
A (Ausreichend) - Sufficient show or performance rating.
BSZS (BundesSiegerZuchtSchau) - SV German National conformation show.
Disq (Disqualifiziert) - disqualified.
FH (Fahrtenhund) - Most advanced tracking title awarded by the SV.
G (Gut) - Good show or performance rating.
Gebrauchshundklasse - The Open Class at the Sieger Show for dogs older 2 years.
H (Hündin) - bitch.
Jugendklasse - the 12-18 month young dog class at the Sieger Show.
Junghundklasse - the 18-24 month young dog class at the Sieger Show.
Lebenszeit - Breed surveyed for lifetime.
LP (Less Promising) - the 3-12 month young dog show rating.
M (Mangelhaft) - Faulty show or performance rating.
P (Promising) - dog show rating.
R (Rüde) - male dog.
SG (Sehr Gut) - Very Good show or performance rating; highest rating obtainable by dogs under 2 years old.
SGR (Sieger or Siegerin) - Highest placed dog title at the German Sieger show.
U (Ungenügend) - Unsatisfactory show or performance rating. No grading given.
V (Vorzuglicht) - Excellent show or performance rating.
VA (Vorzuglicht Auslese) - Excellent Select show rating at Sieger show; highest award obtainable by a German show dog; typically awarded to 9-12 male and female dogs each year.
V.D.H (Verband für das Deutche Hundewessen e.V) - The German Kennel Club.
VP (Very promising) - the 3-12 month young dog show rating.
WUSV (Welt Union der Schäferhundverien) - World Union of German Shepherd Clubs.
Z (Zuchter) - breeder.
Zuchtschau - the conformation speciality show.
ZW (Zuchtwert) - breed value - a number assigned that gives an indication of the genotype of the dog for breeding purposes.
A a-stamp - The "a" stamp indicating the hips of a dog have been evaluated and fall within limits considered acceptable for breeding.
"a" normal - certified normal hips, required for a dog to pass a breed survey.
"a" fast normal - certified near normal hips .
"a" noch zugelassen - still permissible.
EZ (Einfache Zucht) - Simple Breeding. Only one parent has a working degree.
GZ (Gebrauchshundzucht) - Utility Dog Breeding. Both parents have working titles.
KKL1 (Körklasse 1) - Especially recommended for breeding.
KKL2 (Körklasse 2) - Suitable for breeding.
KLZ (Kör- und Leistungszucht) - Qualification and Performance Breeding. Both parents have Körung and all four grandparents have working titles.
Körbericht - judge comments during Körung test.
KZ (Körzucht) - Qualification Breeding. Both parents have Körung.
Lbz (Lebenszeit) - Breed surveyed for lifetime.
LZ (Leistungszucht) - Performance Breeding. Both parents and all four grandparents have working titles.
NZB (Nachzucht Bewertung) - progeny evaluation.